Bruce Banner Terpene Profile: Cliff Notes
Bruce Banner is prized for its powerful relaxing effects among other medicinal benefits. Learn more about the terpenes behind our Bruce Banner blend in our latest Talking Terpenes article.
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Explore todos nuestros productos actuales basados en terpenos, sabores y efectos
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Looking for terpene blends, flavors, or isolates but you're not sure where to start? Select the type of product you're developing and our Getting Started Guide will find the best terpene and flavor solutions for you.
Shopping for botanical terpenes has never been easier. Our online terpene and flavor store gives you a secure way to buy quality terpenes online safely, quickly, and legally.
What is a terpene profile? What are botanical terpenes? What is the entourage effect? How do terpenes work? Read all about these topics and more in our Talking Terpenes Blog Posts
Bruce Banner is prized for its powerful relaxing effects among other medicinal benefits. Learn more about the terpenes behind our Bruce Banner blend in our latest Talking Terpenes article.
Do-Si-Dos ofrece una amplia gama de beneficios para el bienestar junto con su fragancia favorita de los fanáticos. Este artículo de Talking Terpenes desglosa los terpenos que componen nuestra potente mezcla Do-Si-Dos.
Nuestro mantecoso sabor a terpeno Pineapple Kush podría ser el tipo de piña más fuerte que tenemos tanto en entrega como en efecto. Obtenga más información sobre los terpenos y los materiales aromáticos naturales responsables de su sabor y su variedad de beneficios para el bienestar.
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Diluents, by scientific definition, are substances that dilute, or weaken, other substances that they're mixed with. They do this by essentially thinning out the other substance. Common examples of diluents include medium chain triglycerides (MCT oils), and propylene glycol (PG), which are also both substances that are commonly used in vape cartridges as a thinning agent.
Vape cartridges contain active extract material, terpenes, and a diluent. Our Solvent Free Terpenes contain zero thinning or diluting agents whatsoever, while our TasteBudds Flavors are based in either MCT or PG. Because of this, our terpenes are of the highest quality and are incredibly concentrated, and our diluent based flavors are highly concentrated as well, with a base concentration that's still 4-5 times stronger that most flavors today.