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Pineapple Kush Terpene Profile: Cliff Notes

Welcome to the Talking Terpenes: Cliff Notes educational series. This collection of articles summarizes the science of one of the most common types of molecules in nature, terpenesinto an easy read for the average consumer. New articles will be released periodically that explore their characteristics, including many health benefits, offered by terpenes and—more specifically—terpene blends.

Terpenes are chemicals made by plants. They have different smells that help plants survive and reproduce. Terpenes keep away bugs and animals that want to eat them. They also attract insects and people to help spread their pollen and make more plants. Terpenes can also support our health by working with a system in our bodies called the endocannabinoid system, or ECS.


Pineapple Kush Terpene Profile


The Talking Terpenes series teaches people about the many ways terpenes can help us stay healthy. In this series, we learn about different terpene blends and terpene flavors that not only have nice smells but also support our overall well-being. Discover why humans have been using terpenes and terpene flavors in their drinks, food, lotions, and perfumes for thousands of years.

This edition of Talking Terpenes investigates the organic Extract Consultants solvent-free Pineapple Kush Terpene Flavor .


pineapple kush terpene profile chart


Terpenes featured in the Pineapple Kush Terpene Profile include:

The compounds in our Pineapple Kush Terpene Flavor come from different plants and have been carefully extracted. They combine with the ester ethyl caproate to create a strong pineapple flavor and smell.

Pineapple Kush is made by mixing two well-known types of cannabis plants: Master Kush and OG Pineapple. When you combine the terpenes and esters from Pineapple Kush, it creates a special smell that is mostly like buttery pineapple. It's known for being really strong and unique.




d limonene chemical structure

D-Limonene is a remarkable chemical found in nature that smells fresh and fruity, like lemons and limes. It can be found in cannabis, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mandarin, and orange. D-Limonene is actually the second most common natural chemical.

D-Limonene can potentially help us stay healthy in different ways. It might make us feel less anxious and even improve conditions like feeling depressed. It can also fight against bacteria and may help with stomach problems like heartburn. It has been found to work against fungus too.

Interestingly, when you put d-limonene on your skin like a cream or lotion, or use patches with it, it may aid other helpful chemicals get absorbed better. The food industry uses d-limonene to enhance flavor, and it's commonly added to cosmetics to make them smell nice like citrus fruits.

Visit these articles in this series to learn more about the terpene d-limonene:

Notable Strains that Feature D-Limonene



fenchol chemical structure

Fenchol, also known as 2-fenchanol and fenchyl alcohol, is a type of terpene that is found in aster flowers, basil, cannabis, eucalyptus leaves, nutmeg, and wild celery.

In cannabis, fenchol is a rare terpene that gives off a smell of earthiness and pine, with hints of lemon and camphor. It is the main component that gives basil its unique smell.

Fenchol belongs to a group of terpenes called monoterpene, which are smaller and less complicated compared to other types. It has potential health benefits, such as helping to reduce pain, fighting against bacteria and germs, and acting as an antioxidant.

Medicinal Research on Fenchol

In a 2011 study called "Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil of Eucalyptus" published in the Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, researchers looked at the essential oil from eucalyptus and its properties.

The researchers found that the eucalyptus oil contained 28 different organic chemicals, including terpenes like alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, fenchol, and limonene. They discovered that the antioxidant effects of the oil came from three specific molecules: Carvacrol, fenchol, and terpineol.

The study also mentioned that fenchol has properties that can fight against fungus. The researchers identified β-fenchol and α-eudesmol as the components responsible for the antifungal activity.

Notable Strains that Feature Fenchol




geraniol chemical structure

Geraniol is a very popular terpene because it has a lovely scent similar to roses. It was first discovered in 1871 and is one of the three main components that give roses their smell. Besides cannabis, geraniol is also found in geranium (which got its name from the terpene), lemon, and roses.

According to a study from 2018, geraniol is also produced by other plants like basil, blueberry, cardamom, carrots, cilantro, ginger, grapes, and oranges. It is used to create many different flavors when combined with other terpenes, esters, and ketones. Some of these flavors include grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange, peach, pineapple, raspberry, red apple, and watermelon.

Geraniol is also used as a natural way to control pests and insects because it is not very toxic. It has also been shown to help drugs get absorbed through the skin, which means it can help them work better. This suggests that terpenes like geraniol and d-limonene (mentioned earlier) might work together with cannabinoids to have a stronger entourage effect.

Products that contain both geraniol and d-limonene may be especially good at helping the body absorb and use them because of their special qualities.

Medicinal Research on Geraniol

Scientists have done many studies on geraniol and how it can help our health, especially in treating different types of cancer. In a study from 2010, called "Geraniol—A Review of a Commercially Important Fragrance Material," they looked at how geraniol is used in things that smell good and how it might help with cancer treatment.

The study said that geraniol is a very important molecule in the flavor and fragrance industries. It is used in many products we use every day. The researchers also mentioned that geraniol could be a new kind of treatment for cancer.

The study found that geraniol has other benefits too. It can fight against germs, help with inflammation (which is linked to many diseases like cancer, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and chronic pain), and stop the growth of certain cancer cells.

In another study from 2004, they looked at geraniol specifically for breast cancer. They found that it could stop the cancer cells from growing, which could be helpful in treating breast cancer.

These studies help us understand how geraniol might be useful, especially for treating cancer. But more research is needed to be sure about how well it works and if it's safe for people.

Notable Strains that Feature Geraniol




alpha humulene chemical structure

Humulene, also called alpha humulene, α-humulene, and α-caryophyllene, is a type of terpene that smells similar to another terpene called beta caryophyllene (BCP). It has an earthy and hoppy smell with hints of wood and spice. When you taste bitter and hoppy flavors in certain beers, it's because of humulene.

Alpha humulene is made by::
  • Cannabis
  • Chinese ginseng
  • Hops
  • Marsh elders
  • Oranges
  • Pine
  • Sage
  • Sunflower
  • Tobacco
  • Vietnamese coriander

Alpha humulene has been found to have various medicinal benefits, including antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and appetite-suppressing properties. It may be particularly helpful in products designed for individuals with eating disorders, such as type 2 diabetes, binge eating disorder, night eating syndrome, and obesity, due to its ability to reduce appetite. To learn more about the terpene humulene, you can visit the articles in this series.

Notable Strains that Feature Alpha Humulene




ethyl caproate chemical structure

Extract Consultants terpene flavors are not limited to aromatic terpenes alone. They also include other compounds like aromatic ancillaries such as aldehydes, esters, and ketones, which enhance the aroma and flavor. In the Pineapple Kush Terpene Flavor, an important ingredient that gives it the delicious pineapple taste and smell is the ester ethyl caproate, also known as ethyl hexanoate.

Esters are a type of organic compounds that react with water to create alcohols and acids. They can have strong flavor and fragrance characteristics that are valued by humans. Ethyl caproate, in particular, is widely used as a fragrance ingredient in perfumes and cosmetics. It is also an important component in the flavor of sake and other fermented beverages.

According to a study from 2020, ethyl caproate has a sweet and fruity aroma with hints of wine, rum, apple, and banana. It has a delicate floral undertone and sweet notes. Another study from 1989 explains that ethyl caproate is one of the esters responsible for the distinct flavor and aroma of pineapple.



The Pineapple Kush Terpene Flavor from Extract Consultants has a strong pineapple smell and taste because it contains the ester ethyl caproate and a well-balanced mix of terpenes like d-limonene, fenchol, geraniol, and humulene.

Many scientific studies have shown that these terpenes may have beneficial effects on our health. They could help fight cancer, bacteria, and fungi. They also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

When combined, the terpenes in the Pineapple Kush Terpene Flavor, along with the ethyl caproate, create a popular and perfectly balanced pineapple flavor. This flavor may potentially support the treatment of different health conditions.

Do you want more details?
Read the full-length, academic-level blog post from our original Talking Terpenes series Behind the Blends: Pineapple Kush.

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What are diluents?

Diluents, by scientific definition, are substances that dilute, or weaken, other substances that they're mixed with. They do this by essentially thinning out the other substance. Common examples of diluents include medium chain triglycerides (MCT oils), and propylene glycol (PG), which are also both substances that are commonly used in vape cartridges as a thinning agent.

Vape cartridges contain active extract material, terpenes, and a diluent. Our Solvent Free Terpenes contain zero thinning or diluting agents whatsoever, while our TasteBudds Flavors are based in either MCT or PG. Because of this, our terpenes are of the highest quality and are incredibly concentrated, and our diluent based flavors are highly concentrated as well, with a base concentration that's still 4-5 times stronger that most flavors today.